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Published 2022. 2. 11. 16:43
React Mui 버튼,링크 밑줄없애기 React




How to get rid of underline for Link component of React Router?

I have the following: How do I get rid of the blue underline? The code is below: <Link to="first"><MenuItem style={{paddingLeft: 13, textDecoration: 'none'}}> Team 1 </Men...




how to use button as link in material-ui react with out underline and change color text?

I just made a page, and use link wrapped button, but problem is when i do that, button text have underline Like this(log out) so my question is, how to make a button router in react and not change



위와같은 페이지에서 술자리 입장을 누르는데 밑에 밑줄이 안사라짐!


<Link to="first" style={{ textDecoration: 'none' }}>
  <MenuItem style={{ paddingLeft: 13 }}>Team 1</MenuItem>

<Link to="/" style="text-decoration: none">
    <Button color="inherit" onClick>Log Out</Button>

리액트에서는 위와같이 Link to를 사용하는데 여기서 스타일속성을 위와같이 설정해주면된다!


변수혹은 텍스트로! 




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